- Prepare all academic merit and promotion processes, appraisals, AES reviews. – (Academic Senate & Federation)
- Academic Recruitments - (Academic Senate & Federation)
- Temporary Lecturer Hiring
- Assist faculty with completion of Annual Activity Report and Outside Professional Activities Report
- Assist faculty with sabbatical requests, all other types of academic leaves, and preparation of appropriate faculty leaves of absence documents.
- Assist with submitting Initial Dossiers for new hires and changes in status for all other academic personnel, i.e., Faculty, CE Specialists, Project Scientists, Professional Researchers and Adjunct Faculty, in addition to Lecturers, and Associate Instructors
- Coordinate reporting for the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) projects to include new and revised projects, annual progress and final reports.
- Department Chair Support – meeting coordination, correspondence, and outreach.
Academic Personnel and Executive Assistance
Welcome to the BFTV Cluster Academic Personnel and Executive Assistance Team. Below is a list of the services we provide.